Development Studies, Environmental Sciences
Author: Staff
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Development Studies, Politics & International Studies
Climate-Induced Mass Relocation in Fiji
Environmental Sciences, Law & Legal Studies
India: Cities Take the Lead in Climate Change Governance
Law & Legal Studies, Social Policy & Administration
The Fallen Envoy: The Rise and Fall of Astronaut in International Space Law
Law, gender identity, and the uses of human rights: The paradox of recognition in South Asia
Dicey and the Brick Maker: An Unresolved Tension Between the Rational and the Reasonable in Common Law Pedagogy
What the Centipede Knows: Polycentricity and ‘Theory’ for Common Lawyers
Social Policy & Administration
Protecting caste livelihoods on the western coast of India: an intersectional analysis of Udupi’s fisherwomen
Social Policy & Administration
Effectiveness of government strategies for financial protection against costs of hospitalization care in India
Educating at Scale for Sustainable Development and Social Enterprise Growth: The Impact of Online Learning and a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
Tagore’s “rooted-cosmopolitanism” and international mindedness against institutional sustainability
Validating motivated strategies for learning questionnaire and invariance test across gender and caste groups in India
Decolonising lifelong education: learning from J. Krishnamurti
Social Injustice in the Neoliberal Pandemic Era for Homeless Persons with Mental Illness: A Qualitative Inquiry from India
Therapist Adherence to Two Treatments for Adolescent Suicide Risk: Association to Outcomes and Role of Therapeutic Alliance
Making meaning of the virginity experience: young men’s perceptions in the United States
Mitigation of postnatal ethanol-induced neuroinflammation ameliorates trace fear memory deficits in juvenile rats
Law & Legal Studies, Social Policy & Administration
The Impossibility of Marital Rape: Contestations Around Marriage, Sex, Violence and the Law in Contemporary India
Evaluating the role of social capital, tacit knowledge sharing, knowledge quality and reciprocity in determining innovation capability of an organization
Accounting & Finance, Business & Management Studies