Social Policy & Administration
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Investor-state dispute settlement and tax matters: limitations on state’s sovereign right to tax
Politics & International Studies
Junior journals in politics and international relations: Potential and challenges
Social Policy & Administration
‘Revdi Culture’ or Govt’s Basic Responsibility? What Prioritising Welfare Is Really About
Politics & International Studies
Book: Drifts and Dynamics: Russia’s Ukraine War and Northeast Asia
Politics & International Studies
Decoding China’s Contentious Territorial Claims in the Far East
Courts must take a holistic view of the economy
Social Policy & Administration
RBI Rate Hike: Inflation-Hit India Needs Sound Policy, Not Hawkish Measures
Law & Legal Studies, Politics & International Studies
Understanding the Israel-Palestine issue and its relation with the International Criminal Court
Law & Legal Studies, Trending Research
Singapore’s emergence as a global centre for arbitration
Disruptive innovation in healthcare: A review and future research agendas
Moore’s Paradox and Normative Detachment
Politics & International Studies
The US-Asean Summit and role of the Philippines
Finding the right balance between sanctions and rights
The extreme right as a defender of human rights? Parliamentary debates on COVID-19 emergency legislation in Slovakia
Balancing the privacy v. surveillance argument: A perspective from the United Kingdom
Social Policy & Administration
How the vision of ‘One Nation’ suppresses alternative voices
Politics & International Studies