The Nepalese legal system needs to work on the various loopholes which are disrupting the process of Transitional Justice or else it might not be too far for another political or military personnel to be prosecuted with international pressure, say the authors.
Harsh Mahaseth, Assistant Professor at Jindal Global Law School, and a Senior Research Analyst at the Nehginpao Kipgen Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Jindal School of International Affairs, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana, India.
Pranjal Risal, law student at NALSAR University of Law, India.
The Supreme Court of Nepal rejected a petition filed by the government seeking review of a judgement passed by the Court in 2015 where the Court ruled that the law failed to reach the objective of the principles of Transitional Justice and directed the interim government to revise the Truth & Reconciliation Act, 2014.
Since then there had been up to 25 petitions filed by the government where the Court was deliberately postponing it’s hearing before a bench led by five judges concluded by rejecting it on the grounds where the earlier decision was based on the notion of Transitional Justice and International Practices this year in April.
Published in: Thailand Journal of International Law
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