This research critically describes the two competing ways in which the political future of the EUropean space is constructed by political elites in power.
Nitin Arya, Jindal School of International Affairs, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana, India; DAAD Predoctoral Fellow, Institute of Politics and Administrative Sciences, University of Rostock, Germany.
This article critically describes and compares intraregional geopolitical imaginaries as they appear in the official discourses of two groups of states in EUrope: Soft Eurosceptic discourse of Hungary and Poland vs. Europhile discourse of France and Germany.
The analysis is carried out through application of pragmatic analysis and language games analysis of official speeches of the leading politicians of these states delivered in the year 2018 on the theme of ‘Future of Europe’.
The theoretical framework of Rule-oriented Constructivism and the analytical framework of Critical Geopolitics guide this research. This research complements existing literature on geopolitical imaginaries highlighting the importance of linguistic practices, spatial understandings and intersubjective spaces in EUropean integration.
Published in: Geopolitics
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