Philosophy, Politics & International Studies
Category: Philosophy
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English Language & Literature, Philosophy
The philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore: Thinking across cultures
The Snail and Its House: Anneliese as a Home Thinker in Lou Andreas-Salomé’s Das Haus
Development Studies, English Language & Literature, History, Philosophy
‘Aboutness’ and semantic knowledge: A corpus-driven analysis of Yajnavalkya Smriti on the status and rights of women
Philosophy, Politics & International Studies
How Gandhi’s politics resonates in a world torn by conflicts
The experience of gerotranscendence in the Indian context
Cosmos MIND and matter: Is mind in spacetime?
The Death of a Dalit in a Democracy
Autonomous Weapons and Just War Theory
Book: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Cognitive Modelling: A Framework Based on Philosophy and Modern Science
Education & Training, Philosophy, Psychology