This paper exhibits implementation of the REMBRANDT system for selection of a big data platform in a healthcare context in India.
Saroj Koul, Professor, Jindal Global Business School, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, Haryana, India.
Sudhanshu Singh, NITIE, Mumbai, India.
Rakesh Verma, NITIE, Mumbai, India.
Hospitals form a vital component of investment in the healthcare of any nation. A hospital can operate on a standalone basis or as a component in a network of providers of healthcare.
Big data in hospitals, is created through interactions and transactions among and between health service providers and patients whether it is the first time or a recurring visit and gets captured in realtime or afterwards through channels such as notes, machine-to-machine interaction and social media.
There is limited literature available on the application of multi-criteria decision aiding tools for healthcare IT infrastructure, especially in the context of a country like India. This paper exhibits implementation of the REMBRANDT system for selection of a big data platform in a healthcare context in India.
Published in: Sharma M.K., Dhaka V.S., Perumal T., Dey N., Tavares J.M.R.S. (eds) Innovations in Computational Intelligence and Computer Vision. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1189. Springer, Singapore.
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