Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Author: Staff
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Investigating the Effectiveness of Visual Analytics for Discovering Insights from Big Data
Employment of AI Tools in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: Trends and Future Scope
Consumer embarrassment in an emerging market retail context: a qualitative investigation
Role of strategic knowledge management practices in enhancing strategic perspectives of an organisation to improve entrepreneurial performance
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Modeling resilient functions in perishable food supply chains: transition for sustainable food system development
Predicting Delays in Indian Lower Courts Using AutoML and Decision Forests
A meta-analytic integration of the theory of planned behavior and the value-belief-norm model to predict green consumption
India and international investment law: preserving, delegating, and reclaiming sovereignty
Politics & International Studies, Trending Research
Global IR Research Programme: From Perplexities to Progressions
Consumer embarrassment: A systematic literature review and research agenda
Architecture & Built Environment
Forging Communal Space: Negotiating Streets and Practices in Delhi, 1922–65
Can Gandhi’s and Dostoevsky’s Unique Conception of Humility Enhance Rawls’ Distributive Justice?
A Process Model of Social Enterprise Scaling Using the Legitimacy Lens
Food Import Safety and International Trade: Comparing Regulatory Regimes in India and the U.S.A.
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Supply Chain Flexibility and Post-pandemic Resilience
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research