Business & Management Studies, Environmental Sciences
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Social Policy & Administration
Discrimination Experiences of Old Settlers in Sikkim: A Qualitative Exploration
Role of religion in posttraumatic growth among population exposed to armed conflict: a systematic review
Social Policy & Administration
Digitalisation of Indian smart cities: Post-Covid-19 approaches to data, recognition and health monitoring
Navigating the GDPR Compliance Conundrum: Analyzing Public Blockchain Systems and Personal Data Protection Rights
The Customary Obligation to Avoid, Reduce, or Prevent Statelessness in South Asia
Does Today’s India Need ‘Decolonisation’ Speak?
Social Policy & Administration
Safeguarding Academic Freedom Is the Bedrock of India’s Constitutional Morality
“The Politics of Methodology” and Perils of Implementing UCC in India
Social Policy & Administration
Does India Need a ‘Uniform National Policy’ for Menstrual Health and Hygiene?
Harmonising equilibrium
Politics & International Studies
India-China Ties: After 19 Rounds of Border Talks, Why is There No Progress?
Social Policy & Administration
Manipur’s silent suffering and the broken promises of ‘peace’
Politics & International Studies
Facing China at Brics, India stands its ground
Barriers for India’s Legal Technology awakening
Application of artificial intelligence in libraries and information centers services: prospects and challenges
Adoption of green finance and green innovation for achieving circularity: An exploratory review and future directions
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Study of the interplay among internal and external barriers to GSCM in the Indian leather industry using the total ISM and MICMAC methodology
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Impact of AI and COVID-19 on manufacturing systems: An Asia Pacific Perspective on the two Competing exigencies
Business & Management Studies, Social Policy & Administration