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Impact of Gen-AI chatbots on consumer services experiences and behaviors: Focusing on the sensation of awe and usage intentions through a cybernetic lens
A Perspective on Green Solutions and Future Research Paths for Microplastic and Nanoplastic Contamination in Drinking Water
Social Policy & Administration
When Women Farmers Protest Patriarchy and Capitalism
Social Policy & Administration
The Dalit Perspective: Interview with Lachhman Singh Sewewala
Social Policy & Administration
Introduction: The Indian farmers’ protest of 2020–2021: Agrarian crisis, dissent and identity
Social Policy & Administration
‘It Is Baba Nanak Who Is Running this Protest’: The Role of Sikhi in the Indian Farmers’ Protest
Social Policy & Administration
Voices from the Andolan: Interviews with Union Leaders and Activists
Social Policy & Administration
The Importance of Organising: Interview with Nodeep Kaur
Determinants of life insurance purchase decisions among university students in Hanoi, Vietnam
Politics & International Studies
Peripheral Visions: STS and Digitalisation in the Non-West
Impact of dimensions of absorptive capacity on multinationals’ reverse knowledge transfer: from an Indian context
Caste in education: Promises and reality
Social Policy & Administration
The science of food safety and their health impacts
Higher education for students with mental health conditions: the policy and legislative support in India
Moderating effect of chief executive officer servant leadership on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance
Income Distribution and the Elasticity of Substitution in the Works of Joan Robinson
Need for Indian Court of Arbitration for Sports in India
Politics & International Studies