Social Policy & Administration, Trending Research
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Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Entrepreneurial barriers in achieving sustainable business and cultivation of innovation: a resource-based view theory perspective
Contextualizing the Application of the Milieudefensie v. Royal Dutch Shell Decision in Indian Climate Change Litigation: Possibilities and Challenges
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Challenges in sustainability transitions in B2B firms and the role of corporate entrepreneurship in responding to crises created by the pandemic
Child Marriage, Sexual Abuse, and Muslim Personal Law: Contestations Around Age of Consent in Marriage in the Wake of Uniform Civil Code Debate in India
Politics & International Studies
Rebel network theory: The case of Moro Islamic Liberation Front
Politics & International Studies
Upholding Freedom of Speech and Democracy: A Call for International Action
Politics & International Studies
Beijing is aware of the bumpy ride ahead
Social Policy & Administration
New criminal laws: An era of accountability, transparency and justice
Social Policy & Administration
Kashmir: The Plight of the Hanji Community of Srinagar’s Dal Lake Area
Social Policy & Administration
The 16th Finance Commission Must Heed 3 Principles to Fix Resource Sharing Between Union and States
Politics & International Studies
Navalny’s death, a crisis moment for democracy
Politics & International Studies
The Non Aligned Movement, Neutrality and Multipolarity
Politics & International Studies
UPI in UAE: The Changing Face of Cross-Border Payments
Social Policy & Administration
Reshaping the equitable and inclusive access to healthcare: A qualitative study
Does foreign currency borrowing make firms vulnerable? Experience of emerging India
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Navigating a net-zero economy future: Antecedents and consequences of net-zero economy-based green innovation
Unfolding the role of metaverse in agri-food supply chain security: current scenario and future perspectives
Social Policy & Administration