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Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale-Short Form (DERS-SF): Psychometric Validation and Measurement Invariance Testing in a Sample of Urban Indian Adolescents
Mythologizing late Victorian tea advertising: the case of the Illustrated London News (1890–1900)
Emerging regulatory gaps in fracking-specific water security issues in India: Lessons from the United States ‘Shale Revolution’
Social Policy & Administration
Sustainable Agriculture in Maharashtra: Can the State Budget Offset Climate Vulnerability?
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Nexus between fintech, green finance and natural resources management: Transition of BRICS nation industries from resource curse to resource blessed sustainable economies
Investigating the Effectiveness of Visual Analytics for Discovering Insights from Big Data
Employment of AI Tools in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: Trends and Future Scope
Consumer embarrassment in an emerging market retail context: a qualitative investigation
Role of strategic knowledge management practices in enhancing strategic perspectives of an organisation to improve entrepreneurial performance
Business & Management Studies, Trending Research
Modeling resilient functions in perishable food supply chains: transition for sustainable food system development
Predicting Delays in Indian Lower Courts Using AutoML and Decision Forests
A meta-analytic integration of the theory of planned behavior and the value-belief-norm model to predict green consumption
India and international investment law: preserving, delegating, and reclaiming sovereignty
Politics & International Studies, Trending Research
Global IR Research Programme: From Perplexities to Progressions
Consumer embarrassment: A systematic literature review and research agenda
Architecture & Built Environment