
In line with its goal of fostering excellence in research and capacity building, JGU has established over 60 interdisciplinary centers that undertake research in a wide range of areas. Complex problems require interdisciplinary solutions and the JGU research centers aim to promote interdisciplinary research on important local, national and global issues.

Each centre works under the umbrella of one of JGU’s twelve schools and undertakes research on a broad subject area through supporting activities that include: research leading to paper presentations, publications, working paper series, and conferences; events, including visiting speakers (academics/practitioners), exhibitions, and study trips; and industry outreach, including consulting, newsletters, and designing/ sponsoring executive education programs.



JGU’s research centers bear testament to our aspiration to be innovative in our approach to higher education institution building in this era. The centers are designed to leverage our students and faculty’s potential and optimize internal and external participation and collaboration. These research centers are in addition to three research and capacity building institutes that focus on behavioral sciences, social innovation and entrepreneurship, and higher education research and capacity building. 



In addition to producing publications on current and emerging issues globally that enrich the human condition, many of the research centers publish special reports to bridge the knowledge gap in a particular area of interest. Many of the research centers also train faculty members and students in various research tools. In addition to engaging in various research activities, some of the research centers serve as think tanks and provide advice and ideas to researchers, industry leaders and experts. 




Alternate Dispute Resolution



Center for Constitutional Law Studies



Center for Intellectual Property and Technology Law (CIPTEL)



Centre for Comparative and International Taxation



Global Corporate and Financial Law and Policy



Health, Law, Ethics and Technology (CHLET)



India-Australia Studies (CIAS)

Jindal Initiative on Research in IP and Competition



India-China Studies



International Criminal Justice and Humanitarian Law



International Legal Studies



International Trade and Economic Laws



Mahatma Gandhi Center for Peace Studies



Penology, Criminal Justice and Police Studies



Public Interest Law



Pubic Law and Jurisprudence



South Asian Legal Studies



UN Studies



Women, Law and Social Change



Law and Humanities






Environment, Sustainability and Human Development (CESH)



Visual Imagination and the Story telling Arts






Center for Research in Emerging Economies



Centre for Unique Branding Experience (CUBE)



Centre for Supply Chain and Logistics Management (CSCLM)



Centres for Responsible Management






Center for Comparative and Global Education



Centre for Global higher Education Futures (CGHEF)






A New South Asia



African, Latin American And Caribbean Countries



Asia-Pacific Security Studies



Nehginpao Kipgen Center For Southeast Asian Studies (NKCSEAS)



Centre For Afghanistan Studies (CAS)



Jindal Center for Israel Studies



Middle East Studies



European Studies



Global Governance And Policy



Centre For Northeast Asian Studies






New Imaginations : Centre for North East India Studies






Development and Finance



Ethics, Law and Political Economy






Center for Excellence in Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CECRAS)


Jindal Centre for Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship